These Regulations are the intellectual property of Novolipetsk Steel. They can be found on our corporate website. The portal is freely available to all employees.
Activities of the Corporate Training Centre of Novolipetsk Steel are regulated by the following documents:
The license for educational activity No.590 of 04.25.2014
- Regulation on the rights and legitimate interests of the students and teaching staff in the Corporate Training Centre within the Department of the Professional Development of Personnel, Novolipetsk Steel;
- Regulation of the right of students to study according to an individual study plan, including accelerated training for vocational training programmes in Novolipetsk Steel;
- Regulation on the use of medical and health infrastructure, cultural objects and sports facilities in the implementation of educational activities of Novolipetsk Steel;
- Regulation on the Commission for the settlement of disputes between the sides to educational relations in Novolipetsk Steel;
- Regulations on the access of teaching staff to information and telecommunication networks and databases, learning and teaching materials, museum funds, logistical means to ensure the educational activities of Novolipetsk Steel;
- Regulation on the right of teaching staff to free use of educational, methodical and scientific services in Novolipetsk Steel;
- Regulations on the professional ethics of teaching staff in Novolipetsk Steel.
- Rules of admission of students and their training schedule is regulated by QMS Standard "Training and development";
- Regulation on knowledge assessment of the personnel at Novolipetsk Steel;
- Collective agreement;
- Internal regulations of employees of Novolipetsk Steel.